Saturday, November 6, 2010

Brenton: You're one month old today!

Sweet baby boy, today you turn one month old. It's surreal how fast it's gone by. It's been a whirlwind of emotions with lots of bumps along the way. I promised myself we'd at least attempt to nurse you I never did this with your sisters and I was determined to at least try with you. You loved nursing, but your latch was less than perfect. This resulted in a very sore, exhausted Mommy. You wanted to nurse every ten minutes it seemed like and I threw in the towel. My guilt for giving up so quick still bothers me, but you're quite content and happy with your bottles. You love to eat. And you didn't skip a beat when we transferred you to formula.

You are so, so, different than your sister. You eat well, poop well, sleep well. You're already sleeping four hours at night at a time. You're a pretty laid back little guy and we appreciate that very much.
Speaking of your sister- I promise, one day she'll stop molesting you. I cannot wait until you can tell her to leave you alone for a few minutes. But the truth is she LOVES you. She thinks you're the best thing ever. She kisses you about a billion times a day; she ask you your name(though she knows what it is); and tells you over and over how cute you are and that she loves you. As a Mom, I couldn't really ask for more.
You've really started to notice the world around you in the last few days and even follow our faces when we move from side to side. You've flashed some gummy grins sporadically, though we're not convinced that they're intentional quite yet.
At one month we're not expecting much out of you yet. You eat, sleep, poop and repeat. I am trying to saviour these itty-bitty baby moments because I'll wake up one day and you'll be grown.

Bubby boy you complete our family in ways I didn't dream possible. You've blessed us with your sweet demeanour and adorable chubber cheeks. You've showed us that baby boys are WAY different than baby girls(I must remember to cover you or I will get soaked) and we thank God everyday that you're our son and healthy. My life is complete because you complete it.

We love you to the moon and back-

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