Friday, November 26, 2010

McKenzie: You're Three years old!

Happy, Happy, Happy, Birthday to my beautiful girl. It's so hard to fathom you being a three-year old. This is probably because I am hanging on tight to the fact that you're still my sweet baby girl. The thing is even when you're thirty, you'll still be my baby girl; I'll still remember the moment we first met and how my heart exploded with emotions. You're blossoming into a little girl right before my very eyes. You're funny and smart and beautiful. These are some great qualities to have, little Miss.

You're still pretty shy around new people and often cling to me even around people you know well. However,once you're comfortable you run off and never look back. Lately, you've been chatting up a storm to complete strangers. You LOVE to talk and even do it when fast asleep.

We had your party this year at an inflatable bounce house place. You LOVED it. You talked about your party with all of your friends for weeks prior. I think you were more excited about seeing your friends than the actual party. You love, love, love, seeing your friends- especially Emerson and Avery. I believe they're your toddler BFF's! You ask to see them at least once a day and most of the time the three of you play pretty well together. It makes my heart expand to watch you develop new relationships. The biggest change in your life since your last letter is you're a big sister! You loveeee Brenton so much- sometimes too much. You cuddle him, kiss him, sing to him, fetch and steal his pacifier, rock him and LOVE on him the vast majority of most days.
You've learned that he can only have milky(after you fed him a goldfish cracker) and with every peep he makes you question if he needs his milk. You're really empathetic to his feelings and needs, or any ones really, and it makes me VERY proud. I look forward to continuing to watch your relationship with Brenton grow and develop.

You know so much already: All of your colors and shapes. You can sing your ABC's, Count past 20, dress and undress yourself. You can open the fridge and get your own snack and drink(if pre-poured of course)- Just to name a few.
You're still opinionated and sassy! You're obsessed with spandex and often wear them under your clothes! We compromise! You LOVE all things girl: Baby dolls, make-up, clothes, shoes, and hair bows! You're 100% a girl and I love it!
You're sleeping in your bed without a fight now and stay in there all night. Thank you!

You've blessed our lives from the moment I learned we were pregnant with you. You radiate this energy than makes everyone who crosses your path smile. We love you more than I can explain into words. You complete me in ways I cannot comprehend.
Love you to the moon and back,

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