Thursday, February 19, 2009

A long week

We had a routine ultrasound appointment this past Tuesday. I was pretty excited to see the baby again. Sadly, the ultrasound reveled that the baby no longer had a heartbeat. The doctors believe the baby stopped growing around 12 weeks(2 days prior to my scan). We were told that there is no reason for this and 35% of first trimester pregnancies end in miscarriage.

I would have been in my 2nd trimester in less than a week. We're beyond disappointed, sad, shocked, even angry. We weren't planning on making McKenzie a sister until quite awhile- but we happily accepted our news and begin to become excited for the arrival of our third blessing.

Monday I'll have a D&C procedure to remove the baby from my womb. I am a bit nervous about going under general anesthesia. Although, I've been under it a few other times without complications. I guess I worry a bit more now with Kenzie and something happening to me and her being left motherless. I know, paranoid much?

It's really amazing how this sweet little girl can be so healing. She's such a reminder of the GOOD things God does in our lives everyday. We're beyond blessed to have her here- happy and healthy. The fact that she is simply adorable is just a bonus to it all. Seriously could her little face be ANY cuter? My heart just explodes with love thinking about how much she's already given us in her short 14 months on Earth. Thanks sweet girl, thanks.


Jennifer A. said...

I am so sorry, Lisa. What a heartbreak. Please accept my condolences and prayers, and keep rejoicing in that gorgeous little one you have with you.

Alicia said...

Life is hard when curve balls are thrown your way. Keep your spirits up high. We all love you!

Sarah said...

I'm sorry, I will also be praying for you.