Saturday, August 16, 2008

Mystery Solved and some unrelated news, too!

For nearly a week McKenzie has been sick: snot, some coughing, more snot. All of that with lots and lots of screaming and a low grade fever in between her doses of baby Tylenol.

Back up a few days prior to the first cold symptom and you'd find McKenzie and I at her pediatrician checking on what I suspected was an ear infection(her outer ear was BRIGHT red). She did not have an infection, instead he speculated that she was bit by some random Florida insect. Her doctor asked if I thought she was teething; I said I hadn't noticed any of the traditional symptoms. He looked in her mouth and agreed. No new teeth in her near future.

I assumed that her recent illness and screaming could not have been ear infection related since her ears had JUST been checked. A few days into her cold and a few doses of Tylenol later, the fever and screaming vanished leaving only snot and a cough to remind us that our little bug was still sick.

Well, today, she opens her mouth and low and behold- a TOOTH!

It is her bottom left lateral incisor(what the heck, lol). So now she has 2.5 on the bottom and 0 on top! Hopefully the right will come to make her have some even toofies! Hahah!
Who would have thought the lateral incisors would be coming in before the central tops? This would be in true McKenzie fashion. She never does anything by the book.

In unrelated news:

In addition to McKenzie standing unsupported for short periods of time, she has been caught twice taking one FULL unassisted steps without holding on. It usually goes something like this: Cruise a bit, let go, one wobble step- FALL! Haha!

Here's a short video showing off her standing skills!


Alicia said...

Oh my gosh! When she gets that wobble down she's going to take off!

Late crawler, early walker. Isn't that how it works? At least for Kyra it seemed that way!

Anonymous said...

Becca's teeth are coming in wierd too ... started out normal enough with the bottom center two, but now she's got one top eye tooth and is working on the other one. the video is adorable!! won't be long at all and she'll be off and running!