McKenzie is quickly closing in on 10 months(only 4 more days as a 9-month old). I am simply awe struck how much she's changed over the last 9 months.
When we brought her home from the hospital, she was this helpless 7 lb 5ounce newborn. So new and helpless.
When we brought her home from the hospital, she was this helpless 7 lb 5ounce newborn. So new and helpless.
Today? Her personality is developing every day. She's really a sweet baby. She kisses everything and everyone without being prompted to do so. She's learning to share and will give a toy to another baby without being told to do so.
She's really understanding what she's being asked to do. For instance, if I point and verbally ask for a toy in her hand- the vast majority of the time she'll give it to me. If I ask, "Where's Daddy?" or "Where's Doggy?" She looks and laughs hysterically when she finds them.
I love how independent she's becoming; however, I love how dependent she is on me. She gives back love with each gesture, each open mouthed, sloppy kiss. She's a constant reminder of God's blessings to Duane and I.
Her eyes light up with every new thing learned. She listens and watches intently when we're trying to teach her a new task.
She's an independent soul. A beautiful, intelligent, baby who is changing into a toddler right before our very eyes.