Monday, October 11, 2010

A day of doctor visits-

Brenton had his first pediatrician appointment today. He is only 3 ounces less than his birth weight now. This made my heart smile. He's growing off his Mama's milk. We've really had some rough days wit nursing. I never imagined something so "natural" could be so, so, hard. His latch has improved about 90%, he's going 2 hours between feeds(day and night) and overall is a pretty happy little guy.

Pedi was really pushing the Hepatitis B vaccine. We're opting for a delayed vaccine schedule this time- he'll get fully vaccinated; however, just a bit slower and less vaccines given at each doctor visit. I'm sure the doctor didn't like that choice- but that's life, right?
His circumcision is scheduled for Thursday. As stated previously we couldn't do it at the hospital because I was nursing him and he had to go without food. Thursday is his 8th day of life, which is when it is said to be done per Biblical standards. Duane also read that this is when the blood clots independently.
I made an appointment at my OB office today as well. I had some gunk coming from my c-section incision. Apparently, the wound is trying to re-open on it's own. This happened with McKenzie and I ended up with a silver dollar size hole and had to pack it with gauze to force it to create a scar. I have to go back in a week and if it's STILL leaking then they'll reopen it to allow it to drain and heal. Lovely. Praying to the good Lord above that this will NOT have to happen!
This c/s has been by far the worse. From the start of it(pulling, lots of sensation, a high spinal block) to healing- it has been what MOST people describe c/s to be. However, for me, my other two were SO easy with very little pain. I am still on pain meds and still crying in pain. Ahhhh!

1 comment:

Joelle said...

glad to hear it isn't infected ... make sure to keep it clean and DRY to prevent that! hope you get to feeling better soon, i know nursing with incision pain is no fun at all! ((HUGS))