Monday, May 5, 2008

Got Poop?

Kenzie does!! You must have remembered the constipation chats? Poor baby, has a constant running blog about her bowel movements!

It started around three-months. Nothing new really started except the pedi recommended putting cereal in her bottles to avoid the reflux symptoms. Then the solid foods started around four-months and the constipation continued.

For about 5 days, McKenzie has had nothing but her formula(and lots of it, as she's never full feeling since she is used to eating 4 jars of solids). Her poop? Normal! So, apparently, it is just her body getting used to solids. Maybe formed poops are her things on food? I guess it is pretty normal- I just totally did not expect it and it took me for a loop!

I think I'll add some water to her diet to avoid this when we start back in a few days. We do not give foods that constipate as it is: Bananas, rice, applesauce. So, hopefully, this is a thing of the past. Thank gosh it isn't her formula.

1 comment:

Alicia said...

What have our lives come to when we get this excited over poop? Really, 5 years ago I would have been completely disgusted but, now? Now I'm all kinds of excited for you!